Ory Team
Ory Network Ory Hydra New Feature

Ory OAuth2: Profile scope and override return_to

AUTHOR: Ory Team

We've further improved Ory OAuth2's handling of OpenID Connect login flows to simplify development and improve the overall user experience:

Profile scope for Ory OAuth2

Ory OAuth2 now supports the OpenID Connect profile scope when using the Ory Account Experience. Using this scope will now try to map the identity data to OIDC claims username, website, name (first/last) and updated_at.
This change has no effect if you are using a custom consent endpoint.

Allow setting oauth2_provider_override_return_to

When the oauth2_provider_override_return_to setting is enabled, it overrides the return_to query parameter and always redirects back to the OAuth2 provider within an OAuth2 login flow.
The return_to query parameter is typically used to specify the URL to which the browser should return after the flow is completed. However, when oauth2_provider_override_return_to is enabled, regardless of what is set in the return_to parameter, the user will always be redirected back to the OAuth2 provider.

The benefit is that the user does not get stuck on the Ory Identity provider settings page, but instead is redirected back to the original OAuth2 login flow. This allows the user to continue the OAuth2 login flow without having to start over again.

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