Ory Team
Ory Network

Ory's website goes cookieless

AUTHOR: Ory Team

We value our community as the core of Ory, and our commitment also lies in respecting the privacy of the people who use our products or services. That's why we're excited to share: Ory's website and documentation no longer display cookie banners!

With 3rd party cookies being phased out by major browsers, (justified) increased public scrutiny of ad-tech and user tracking, and ever more stringent privacy regulation in many jurisdictions, it's time to rethink user data collection.

We believe in winning customers through building great products and user experiences, and restrict our data collection to what really helps us build secure services and better products (with consent and as
required by law) - and of course anonymize and aggregate usage data by design wherever possible.

And as we use Ory here at Ory, we create meaningful user profiles when customers decide to share data with us - and so can you, using Ory's flexible Identity Schemas. A centrally managed profile with high-quality information and explicit user consent is ultimately worth much more for a trusted, lasting customer relationship than low-confidence data points collected via dubious means.

Learn more about this change on our Blog:

Also, we're really sorry, dear Cookie Monster.

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